High cost of car keys and why?

Before modern car security, it was fairly easy to steal a car. The Insurance companies started to complain to the Auto makers that the cars were getting easier to steal and they needed to do something. So, some companies in Germany were one of the first auto manufactures to develop and offer some type of added security to start the car. Now, almost every car manufactured has some type of security that will need to be electronically matched to the car’s immobilizer device system (the things that shuts off the electronics that will allow your car to start and run) so that the car will not start if the matched key is not present or working properly. On most cars, if you try to start the car with a key that is not matched, the electronics on the security system thinks that it is being stolen and will go into lockdown mode.
Now, the days of walking into your hardware store and getting an additional car key made for pennies are in the past. In fact, other than the antique car owners, most people have never seen the older metal car keys.
Today, cars use systems like the common black-headed transponder chip key to the much friendlier keyless remote proximity fob. Newer keys have electronic components that do everything for you by simply pushing a button that will unlock your door, adjust your seat, auto starting to get that amazing Air conditioning working, and to disabling the car’s immobilizer. So, it is not so shocking that this amazing little push button devices can get worn out, damaged, (some we have seen looks like the dog tried to eat it) or very likely lost if you only have one. The reality is that all electronics are likely to to wear over time. So sometime you will need to repair your car key or get replacement car keys made.
At the time if this writing the web search for “different types of car keys” result came up with 24 different types of automotive keys. We feel that there are just four basic types of auto keys for the average key duplication cost.
• Mechanical car key $2.00 – $50.00
• Transponder car key $30.00 – $150.00
• Remote head car key $99.00 – $300.00
• Proximity or Smart car key $99.00 – $2,000.00
We categorize auto keys this way to give you a simple understanding of the costs to duplicate the 4 types of keys and why.
The Mechanical car key $2.00 – $50.00
The metal car key is a simple cut key with no electronics. The metal key is the type of key that is used in most older cars and some newer. We love getting customers bringing in their classic babies for additional keys, or sometimes these keys are lost and we are one of the few in the area that are proficient on creating lost keys for classic cars. The older original equipment manufacturer (OEM) keys can be difficult to find and are typically on the higher amount. Most of the metal keys utilize a standard key machine and are fairly easy to duplicate. Lost keys for the automobiles with metal keys can sometimes be created with the VIN number or it is possible that if the owner has the key code (sometimes written in the owner’s manual) will allow us to create the key on one of our code machines.
The Transponder car key $30.00 – $150.00
The Transponder car key is typically a plastic headed key. The transponder keys will need to be matched to your vehicle security system by being programmed into your car. On the transponder key, the machining of the key along with the year, make and model are going to be factored into the cost of duplicating and also programming your key so that it will work.
The Remote head car key $99.00 – $300.00
The Remote head car key is a transponder key with the push buttons and can typically be an exposed or flip key. The push buttons are mostly configured for the locking and unlocking the doors, releasing the trunk or hatch panic, and auto starting the car. On the transponder key, the machining of the key along with the year, make and model cost are going to be factored into the cost of your additional or lost key.
The Proximity or Smart car key $99.00 – $2,000.00
Currently, most of the cares are now being delivered with the easy-to-use proximity keys or smart fobs. The Proximity key fob can still be in your purse or pocket and will unlock the doors when you’re near the vehicle and most will also allow you to just simply press the start button on the dash to start the car, adjust the seats and mirrors, turn on the climate control to make your experience in your car amazing. This means that you don’t have to press any buttons on the key fob, you simply have to have it in close proximity to the car. A smart key is the most advanced type of car key available today.
Almost all Proximity smart key fobs have inside them an emergency key to unlock the doors if the battery on the fob or the car fails. Even though it looks like there is no key hole on the drivers handle, the emergency key has a tool on it to remove the cap on the exterior driver’s door handle to then use the emergency key to unlock the door.
Another advantage of some of the Proximity smart keys are that they will allow you to start the car for a longer distance away and will indicate that your car has started and is running. We thank the auto industry for giving their customers the best experience possible. However, there is always a cost of convenience.
What else is making additional and lost automotive keys so crazy expensive?
Simply the expensive machines to cut the key blade, the programmers needed to program the keys to the car, and the professionally trained automotive technician to perform this task.
We give our automotive technicians the training and the proper tools to make your car keys for you. We do understand that this is expensive experience so we are fair on our pricing because we offer the national average typical costs to add keys or create lost keys for your vehicle. If someone says the they will “beat any other person”, if I were you, I would doubt that this person was properly trained.
In a normal situation, it takes approximately one hour to cut a key to your vehicle and program and test the key. Commonly we will always charge less for the labor and the key than a dealership.
We hope that this will shed some light on why car keys are so expensive. We at Michigan Security and Lock and always want the best for our customers. Our automotive technicians are always here to help. We understand the we might not be the best fit for you so we might guide you in a different direction.
Remember we here at Michigan Security and Lock will always answer your automotive key questions for free. Give us a call at 269-290-6449.